For years we passed by these abandoned grass tennis courts, on the way to our friends place. Something about them always stuck with me...maybe because tennis was such a huge part of my life growing up...maybe because there is something haunting and beautiful about them...whatever the reason, I knew I wanted to do a photo shoot on them. Then while taking a walk with Doug and Miles we came across this old wooden racket someone was throwing we took it home (and cleaned it up!). I decided it would be fun to take some 1 year old photos of Miles on the courts with the racket...but wanted to wait till he was walking so he could run around and I could get some good action shots and really capture his personality. Well, it took him almost 2 months from when he started taking steps on his own, till he was a real "walker" these photos weren't taken till he was 14 months old. Of course, he wanted to spend most of the time on the ground playing with the balls and dirt (so much for waiting till he was walking:).
Miles is now 15 months old and his personality is bursting at the seams! He has his favorite books he will bring to you to read to him (Goodnight Moon and Goodnight Gorilla are 2 of his favs-they both have "Lights" and the "Moon" in them-2 of his favorite words. He also loves Baby Touch and Feel: Farm and First Words because he can point out and tell you what many of the objects are). When he's in the mood he will turn to you and say "Kiss" and then give you his big open mouthed version of one. He loves to go "Out" and will tell you "Out!" till you take him there. He went from saying 4 words at 12 months ("Hat", "Dada", "Mama" & his all time favorite "Light!") to so many now, I can't keep track. I listed as many as I can remember in the last photo down below. It's so much fun watching him learn new things every day!