Six Months of Miles!

Wow...I can't believe my little luv is 6 months old! Time is (now) officially flying by! In the beginning...the first few definitely didn't feel that way. Having a fussy (probably a tad colicky) baby was a layer of difficult I hadn't anticipated! There were of course many beautiful, amazing memories from those first months, but overall it was a pretty stressful time. Gradually the crying & fussing happened less and less and the laughing and smiles showed up more & more. I really can't even believe how much Miles has changed...especially over the last couple of months. I love watching this funny, sweet, chatty boy develop before my eyes! I know there will be more sleepless nights and Miles still has his (very) fussy moments (I mean, who knew there was such a thing as a wonder week!?)...but I really feel so lucky that I get to spend every day with this little man. When I look at his happy, giggling face, I can't believe he's mine (well, ours:)! Ours to love like crazy...ours to teach new things and explore the world with. He is really such a joy. I wish I could press pause right now and hold onto this time a little while longer.  Love you my sweet boy!

xo Juliette 

...a little look at M's nursery nook.